We went to Delta for a quick trip yesterday after church. My mom came along and we spent a few hours playing dominoes with Grandma B and then we went and decorated Dad's headstone. The night before we went to the store to find something that the kid's could place for Grandpa C. I looked at the flowers and thought maybe. I looked at the fake "grandpa" flower things and thought no way. I ended up wanting personal that each of the kids could make (well, at least the girls) and would look cute. I came up with the posters.
Sunday morning, before church, DD#1 and I sat down and wrote her letter to Grandpa C. She, of course, wanted to write about anything that she saw. She wanted to tell him how grateful she was for the pencils, for the posters, for the paint (that she was going to use) and so on. I had to guide her in the right direction. She came up with most of what it said.
*** Side note...I was hesistant to put on their that she can't wait to see him again, because part of me is a little superstitious. I couldn't bare the thought of losing my children. So, she can't wait to see him again, but only after a LONG life filled with children, grandchildren and great-granchildren. There now I can be okay about it.
DD#2 didn't say too much, but we helped her along as well. She loved placing her hands in the paint and was sure proud of her poster to Grandpa C.
DD#2 didn't say too much, but we helped her along as well. She loved placing her hands in the paint and was sure proud of her poster to Grandpa C.
It was nice to visit and see my family. It was nice to return to my dad's headstone and remember many, many things. Not one day goes by without remembering him, but we do know that we will see him again. Thank heavens for that knowledge.