Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So Thankful!!!

Well, it has been a while. The last few weeks were crazy, but also very fun. I had Parent Teacher Conferences right before Thanksgiving. They are always so tiring. They went well, but I had a bad headache through the whole thing. Oh well. We spent Thanksgiving with my mom and Rick. We had a good time. It was just different not going to DH family's house for Thanksgiving. They are actually closing on their new home today. HOORAY!!! So we will be spending Christmas there.
The next morning was Black Friday. If any of you know my family, we LOVE the rush of it all. My sister and her husband left at 1 am to go to BestBuy. I got up at 4 AM and went to Shopko. We had to seperate ourselves.
First, BestBuy. People camp out from Wednesday night. At 4 AM people from Best Buy come out and hand tickets. These people that have been there for 2 days get as many tickets as they want. They then go down the line and sell the tickets for $100.00 each. People will buy them because they are out by the time they come down the line. I think this is absolutely wrong. I don't think it is fair that they can go and make money and get as many tickets as they want. Luckily, the guy that came by was worried about the cops and gave my sister and her husband what they needed for $17.00. It was freezing and they are still trying to defrost
My experience was a little different. I went at 4:15 and waited 45 mins. for the doors to open. It wasn't near as cold where I was. A lady next to me told me it was her first time doing this. She asked me to be here body guard. So when the doors opened, I grabbed her hand and we ran down the aisle. Doesn't that sound like so much fun?? The adrenaline just gets your heart pumping. I got what I was there for. I then went to Circuit City. My sis was suppose to hit this store after Best Buy but she was still in line there. It opened at 5 AM and there was still a line at 6 AM. Now, those 15 mins. waiting in line were SO much colder than my 45 mins. at Shopko. It was amazing what 10 miles could do with weather. I did get in and out by the time my sis got done with Best Buy.
Anyway, it was a great day and we got all of our Christmas shopping done for $80.00.
Yesterday, I had another OB appointment yesterday. All is well. I asked if we could have the ultrasound before Christmas. He said sure and we set the date for December 21st. We will not find out that day, but will find out on Christmas morning.
This is our plan. We will take a teddy bear in a box with a pink ribbon and a blue ribbon. We will not look at the ultrasound and will ask the tech to tie the appropriate ribbon around the neck. We will then wrap up the box and open it Christmas morning together. How exciting. Alright, if you've made it this long, congratulations. It has been a good week.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Little Dancer!!

D1 had a dance recital on Tuesday. We enrolled her and N2 through the school district. It was a 9 week dance class with a performance at the end. It was so cute. I just thought my daughter did such a wonderful job. I am a little biased. N2 was actually one of the older children and helped all the others. We had a lot of fun watching. I am trying to get a video up, but they seem to be too big. I will continue to try.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Paronoid??? I don't know?

I have been reading others blog, and the safety of posting names and pictures of my family has come up. I know that it is a risk posting pictures of my kids, but it sure makes me sad that we can't share them. I haven't quite decided if I am going to take them off. One thing I have, though, is I took personal information off. As of today, I will refer to my family in this way. Thank you to a friend who also uses these initials. I hope she doesn't mind that I stole them.
DH-Dear Husband
D1- Our first daughter
D2- Our second daughter

If you are dying to know my family's real names, please leave a comment and I will email you. I am sad our world has come to this.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

God Bless The Broken Road

I set out on a narrow way
many years ago
Hoping I would find true love
along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign
pointed straight to you

Every long lost dream l
ead me to where you are
Others who broke my heart
they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way
into your loving arms

This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

I think about the years I spent
just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost
and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan
that is coming true
Every long lost dream
lead me to where you are
Others who broke my heart
they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way
into your loving arms

This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

Now I'm just rollin home
Into my lover's arm's
This much I know is true
That God Bless the Broken Road
That led me straight to you

That God Bless the Broken Road
That led my straight to you

*** I've listened to this song many times by Rascall Flatts. Each time I am reminded of how lucky I am to have a wonderful friend, who is my husband. Boy, I am on a roll with the husband posts.
I am just grateful that the things that happened in my life, prior to meeting DH went according to Heavenly Father's plan not mine. I really thought I knew what was best for me and knew that I could be in control. WRONG!!! And boy am I glad that I was. If you would like to know some of my feelings for my wonderful husband, refer to previous post.

I am grateful for the experiences, the lessons, the challenges and the wonderful friends that I made along the way. I wouldn't change it. But, I am glad that all things worked out the way they did. I still love those that loved me. I love those that love me now. Many of you who are reading this, will know who you are. You have touched my life in many different ways and I will always remember the good times. They were very good times and I am glad I experienced them.

I am having good times now and know that Heavenly Father knows what is best for us. I have the best husband, the best family and the best children. God Bless the Broken Road that led me to where I am now.

Friday, November 2, 2007

First Dr.'s Appointment

Yesterday I had my first dr.'s app. for this new baby. James just changed jobs, so I knew that we wouldn't be on his insurance for long. My OB with Emily would see you starting at 10 weeks, so I knew there was no use in going to see him. I also didn't want to pay to see him as we have still NOT met our deductible. I thought for sure after Emily's visit to the ER, we were covered. NOPE!! $2500 for a deductible is very hard to meet. So, with his new job change, we went back on my insurance through the school district.
What does that mean?? I had to find another OB. This will be the third for my third baby. I hate the first appointments when you don't know who you are seeing. I stressed long and hard about it. I called last Friday, because my Human Resource department said my insurance would be effective November 1st. The nurse on the other line panicked when I told her I would be 12 weeks by the time my insurance went into effect. She told me that this OB likes to see his patients at 8 weeks. I said I was sorry. She told me I had to come in on the 1st. I asked her for her latest appointment, so that, my sister, Stefanee could be up to watch my girls. The latest they had was 1:30 pm. So, I called Grandma D to help out. She is wonderful and agreed to get her last part of her shift covered to watch them.
So, my heart is racing as I enter the building. I knew that my blood pressure would be sky high by the time I got to see them. . When they finally did take my blood pressure it was low. Wow!! Anyway, I meet Dr. Lloyd and I LOVE him. He will be great. I can already tell that he will be better than my other two. I am so happy. He actually sat and listened to my concern. My biggest is about the anesthesia with the C-section. I told him if it happened like it did with Emily, I would rather just be put out. I don't know if I can handle not being able to breathe (even though I was) for another two hours. I have never prayed so hard as I did in those two hours. I was praying that I could breathe soon and that I could stay calm and not have to be knocked out. Dr. Lloyd understood my concern and explained that they would rather not put mom's under general anesthesia because it puts the baby under. They said if they have to they need to get the baby out quickly. He pointed out that this would be my 3rd C-section and it will take longer to get through the scar tissue and that they may not be able to get the baby out before the anesthesia effect them. I agreed and figured I would rather not be able to breathe than to put my baby at risk. He said we would talk with the anesthesiologist and see if we can start with a smaller dose and work our way up. Now, the thought of being able to feel the C-section makes me think I can do the no breathing thing for 2 hours as well. Can I win?
I also got to see our little one on the ultrasound. I was so relieved to see only ONE baby as well. I don't know why I panick about multiples, but it just seems like it would be so hard to have more than one little one to take care of.
It made it real to see the baby. I was very pleased with the visit and relieved that it was over. Now for the fun visits where you get to hear the heartbeat. Hopefully I will get to schedule my big ultrasound the next visit. I hope it is before Christmas so we can open our present Christmas morning.
People... this is really happening. I am going to have 3 children in six months. Wish us luck.