Sunday, April 18, 2010


Has it really been that long since I last posted? Okay, I know I have neglected this blog. I got behind and it just continued to get behind. I have had two big posts (Christmas and Disneyland) that seemed overwhelming to post to say the least. We had a wonderful time at both of these occasions. I don't know if I will get to post about it, but I sure hope I do.
As of late we have celebrated Easter and DD#2 had her first soccer game.

She did a really great job! She was very aggressive and followed the ball and sprinted if it was kicked away from her. She had so much fun doing it. She tried dancing with her older sister and did not like it all that much. She decided to try soccer and loved it.


Scott and Siobhan said...

They look so cute in there outfits.

Kris Tina said...

Most importantly - her hair looks fantastic.