Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Man!

At 8:18 AM this morning we sang to DS for his birthday. A year ago today we were in the hospital having this little man. We went in at 6:00 AM and had him in our arms by 8:18 AM. He was the first of my three children to make it to their C-section date. It was really nice going in and having a baby in your arms 2 hours later.

We are so grateful that a year ago this little man joined our family. He has been such a great addtion. His first 5 months were really hard, but since then he has been so fun. His little personality is shining through. He now has a voice and says, "dada, mama, what's that, down, up, taytay (my niece Taylor), bye and uh oh". He signs, "more, all done, food, milk, please, thank you and drink". It is so nice when they can communicate. It helps both of us.

We had him in the Instacare a few weeks ago and he weighed 22.3 lbs. We don't have his year visit until June.

The girls are in love with him and enjoy helping him. DD#1 gets yelled at by him quite a bit because she gets up in his face. He is done having his personal space invaded. He is crawling all around and loves to follow his mom. He has finally started to sleep most of the night. He has only been getting up once a night lately. Phew....that was long and coming. My girls slept through the night at 6 weeks and then started waking up after they turned one. Hopefully he will follow the same pattern, but only reversed. Maybe he will sleep through the night now that he is one??

Happy Birthday sweet boy. I love you more than you will ever know!!
**I took his month pictures in my dad's recliner chair. I missed 9 months. I don't know how that happened. :(

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