Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pay it Forward!!

Here's how it works! I'm having a GIVEAWAY! You have a chance to receive a two page layout digital scrapbook page (you just send me your pictures)from me at some point in time during the next year. How fun is that??! If you'd like to be a part of this awesome idea, you need to leave a comment ON THIS POST no later than Friday, February 27, 2009. If you've never commented on my blog before, don't feel sheepish--this is a fabulous time to comment! I will draw three names randomly from the comments left to see who will receive the gifts. My "Pay It Forward" winners will be posted on my blog as well as notified via e-mail, word-of-mouth, blog comment, --whatever works best for me at the time! Here's the catch: if you choose to participate, you need to post some sort of "Pay It Forward" idea on your blog as well. If you don't have a blog, this can easily be done on Facebook, MySpace, etc. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant; just a simple gift from the heart (it can be purchased, homemade, a simple act of kind service...ANYTHING!).


Annieofbluegables said...

I can't believe you wrote the very blog I was formulating in my head about this. I haven't put it all together, but in preparation to writing this, I looked up this movie and watched it on . . .no less. . . You Tube! I think it had twelve 10 minute segments. My post didn't involve a give-away, rather paying persons back who did something nice, by doing something for someone else. Example. Marty came over in his big tractor every.single.time it snowed and cleared our driveway. One day when he had just finished, I came out and said "Marty. How will we ever pay you back, you are moving soon and we can never pay you back." He replied, "Oh No, don't pay me back, I am trying to pay Travis back." Do something nice for someone else and consider it payback to me.
I will never forget that and I have done just that many, many,many times. When my daughter got cancer, there were so many people who did kind things. So now I watch out for someone else and try to do the same things for them that were done for us. and so it goes.
ps, if others enter this, give them first chance over me in your drawing. I just commented because I LOVE the idea and I LOVE you.

Kristen Weller said...

I think this is such a great idea. We are doing the same, but we need to think up something really good to send. I think Steve can be creative and come up with something that will wow everybody, but digital scrapbooking is way cool, too.